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All Hands In


“One need only walk down the streets in our community and they will see the work illustrating Stuart’s years of dedication to community betterment and uplift for all of our region’s citizens, particularly those that are most vulnerable. He has moved PathStone forward by transforming the organization into a place that many in the community look to for leadership.”

Malik D. Evans
Mayor of the City of Rochester

Connect with Stuart

Confidential, one-on-one coaching and mentoring with executives in transition
Standard Consulting Package includes:
  • Initial consulting agreement to identify challenges and clarify objectives

  • Comprehensive proposal outlining scope and nature of services

  • Mutually-agreed progress measurement and satisfaction criteria

  • Phased approach of 10 dedicated sessions to create an actionable work plan

  • Mutual determination of next steps

Each consulting engagement will maintain:
  • Open and respectful communication 

  • Collaborative approach

  • Confidentiality

  • Professionalism 

  • Flexibility and adaptability 

Examples of expertise I bring to the table include:
  • Identifying and forming collaborative partnerships to advocate for and build affordable housing, with nuanced knowledge of financing, zoning, planning and compliance

  • Creating an impactful social justice advocacy agenda, with concrete steps and measurable outcomes

  • Establishing meaningful relationships, rooted in trust and communication, among individuals, business leaders and community partners

  • Assessing organizational commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI); and creating related community initiatives 

  • Designing personalized coaching and mentorship to build a strong team of executive and board member leadership

  • Serving in interim leadership positions for organizations transitioning leadership, expanding programmatic or geographic service arenas

  • Evaluating potential impact of proposed new services, geographic expansion, mergers, acquisitions, affiliations on the financial and programmatic health and long-term sustainability of the organization.

  • Identifying competent, passionate, committed volunteer board members who will diversify and strengthen boards

  • Identifying potential sources of new revenue from philanthropic fundraising campaigns

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